In times when transformation has become the new norm, we need a new Leadership MINDSET to address the challenges that organizations and whole humanity are facing.

A Genuine Leader has the capacity to release his own full potential and the potential of others with the intention to shape a better and sustainable future.

So how do we release and live our full potential?

We offer a map to enfold the 8 intelligences that are inherent in every human. Let us introduce these 8 intelligences of Genuine Leadership to you.

  1. The first is Creation Intelligence. It’s about creating space for out-of-the-box thinking and stimulating innovative and creative ways of looking into issues and situations.
  2. The second is Presencing Intelligence. This intelligence is all about our capacity to be truly present, to live and work in the now and here; and to attend to what is.
  3. The third is Exploring Intelligence. It drives our curiosity and excites us about stepping into the unknown. It generates a feeling of adventure and a climate of trust and openness.
  4. The fourth is Pathfinding Intelligence. This intelligence connects us to our core purpose and gives us a powerful sense of direction.
  5. The fifth is Sustaining Intelligence. This intelligence is about investing in our health and wellbeing; and continually nurture ourselves, our relationships, teams and cultures.
  6. The sixth is Predictive Intelligence, which opens our capacity to see patterns and order in complexity and chaos. It’s about our foresight to predict the future.
  7. The seventh is Decisive Intelligence. This intelligence is about clarity and action. It supports us in aligning intellect and emotions; and in making right choices and decisions.
  8. The eights intelligence is Transformational Intelligence. It’s about listening to all voices and perspectives; and it’s also about catalysing and shifting energy.


If you would like to unfold all those 8 intelligences in you and in others, join our Genuine Leadership program at OSMA Leadership Academy


This program is for THOSE who WANT TO:

  • Grow the ability to innovate and co-create
  • Build the quality of being present and appreciative
  • Strengthen the courage to venture into the unknown
  • Reconnect to purpose and set a clear intention for the future
  • Attend to wellbeing and growth for self and others
  • Recognise invisible patterns and trends and create a powerful vision
  • Develop clear strategies and put them into right action
  • Work with momentum and the flow of transformation

If you have the courage to step forward to co-create the future we need in these challenging times, then we have a practice that can support you… ….AND we have the experience and commitment to step forward with you.

For more information on the GL program please download the flyer below or visit our website;

and stay tuned for our next video releases…



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